Monitoring & Evaluation

You can’t manage what you don’t measure. How do you set up a simple but effective Monitoring & Evaluation system?

Developing an M&E plan can be a fine balancing act. On the one hand you want transparency to stakeholders and well-informed decisions. On the other, you want a few well-chosen indicators, and to keep costs down. Because if you spend too much time on M&E, how can you get any real work done?

Still, taking a moment to define progress indicators is important. It helps you (re)define Ithe impact you’re aiming for, the intended outcome of your program. It is closely linked to your theory of change and underlying assumptions (see Strategy & Program Development).

So how do you design and implement M&E in such a way that it helps you reach your goal faster, without being overly bureaucratic?

Ultimately, it’s like flying a plane. Define your goal, set the course, and keep a close watch on key indicators to help adjust course as you go.

Miriam has been involved in M&E processes in multiple organizations over the last twenty years. She can help set up an M&E plan, or carry out (mid-term or final) evaluations of existing programs.

Looking to set up a solid M&E system, or for someone to evaluate your program? Click the Contact button, and help is on the way.